Purpose, promise and values

Our Purpose

To help business owners find clarity – to replace anxiety with certainty, to be a sounding board with an objective voice.

Many business owners suffer from a lack of information on which to base informed decisions. The symptoms of this can include sleepless nights, anxiety, uncertainty, lack of clarity, lack of focus on what’s important and feelings of loneliness.

It’s important to identify what’s important – because what gets measured gets managed and what gets managed gets valued. We need to ensure that we are measuring and managing what’s important to each business owner and what’s important for their business.

Our Promise

We will be; honest, clear, direct, challenging, supportive and enabling, in equal measure and as appropriate. By doing so we provide unambiguous information, based on your current business status.

Whilst we’re here to help, doing so may mean being frank about the current situation and potential impact on the future of your business. We may also need to test the soundness of assumptions upon which decisions are being made.

Our Values


Telling the truth or able to be trusted

Always being trustworthy in the information we provide


The quality of being clear and easy to understand

We strive to make our communication unambiguous and easily understood


Say what you think in an honest way without concern for other people’s opinions

We tell it like it is; sorry if it stings but – like antiseptic – it’s better for you that way


To question if something is true or legal
We won’t accept assumptions, so we may sometimes need to test the validity of your assertions


To agree with and give encouragement to someone because you want them to succeed

We will encourage you to make the right decisions for you and your business because we want you to succeed


To make someone able to do something or to make something possible

We’ll propose what needs to be done and, if you don’t have the capacity, we will help to make it possible

If you have a question, please get in touch